Assress: Mihanoviceva 1, Zagreb
Tel.: (385)1-456-666
This hotel is generally considered as one of
the most beautiful in the world. This palace, set in a magnificent
building is best admired when floodlit at night.
Address: Petrinjska 71, Zagreb
Tel.: (385)1-48-41-222
Many capitals in the world have their own Astoria
and very often like in this one, they offer charm, style and quality service.
Kranjceviceva 29, Zagreb
Tel.: (385)1-3820222
Fax: (385)1-3820035
Homepage: http://www.hotel-laguna.hr/
E-Mail: info@hotel-laguna.hr
This pleasant hotel is located a little outside
town, near the soccer stadium. It includes a casino and offers fine international
cuisine in its own restaurant.