Apologies for the delay in follow-up since below message. My visit to Japan was a very fruitful one and the JCA are very keen and busy in regard to the hosting of the tournament. As I am leaving the ICC EAP Manager role, Russell James (EAP Administration Officer) will now take over as the main person from an ICC point of view re this event. Information Circular No.1 will be finalised and distributed by Russ shortly but I advise that due to the delay, the deadline for payment of the participation fee deposit has been pushed back to Fri 30 Jan (instruction re how to pay will be in the Circular). Best wishes for a great event & please liaise with Russ and/or JCA contact (to be detailed in the Circular) if ever any queries. Kind regards. Matthew --- 19 Nov 03 Hi Fiji, Japan, Indonesia & Tonga Cricket Further to my 18 Sep 03 e-mail message / Advanced Information Paper, just wanted to provide a bit of an update re this event which is definitely "all systems go!". I am off to Japan next week and planning & preparations for the 2004 ICC EAP Challenge will be a main focus of my visit. While I am there we will finalise a detailed Information Circular No.1 for the event and provide this to all competing countries in the first half of Dec 03. This will include the Competing Country / Tournament Agreement to be signed. I remind you that each country's US$2,000 non-refundable deposit of the total US$7,500 participation fee will be due by 31 Dec 03 with the balance due by 31 Mar 04 (details of how to pay will be outlined in the Information Circular). I have consulted with the ICC Commercial Department and can confirm that if any country wishes to have a team sponsor exposed on clothing at the tournament, then this must first be approved by the ICC Monaco Head Office (i.e. Commercial Manager). Same for Japan hosts/organisers re any event sponsors exposed at the grounds or in tournament materials etc. (the exact process for obtaining this approval will be outlined in the Information Circular but please just speak to me if any queries in the meantime). Any sponsor exposure would also need to conform with the ICC's regulations at: http://www.cricket.org/link_to_database/NATIONAL/ICC/RULES/REGULATIONS_ON_ADVERTISING_ON_CLOTHING_AND_EQUIPMENT.pdf (will be further outlined in the Information Circular but please just speak to me if any queries in the meantime). All member countries are / should be well aware of the ICC player eligibility rules in place for such events. A registration form outlining same will be included in the Information Circular but please just let me know if any queries or concerns in the meantime. Both Fiji & Indonesia have advised of slightly cheaper airfares costs available at their end - well done - and are thus holding their own bookings to be used for 17 persons (14 players, 1 Coach, 1 Manager & 1 Umpire - to be approved). We are still awaiting airfares confirmation from Tonga. Please let us know if any issues come up re continuing to hold these bookings, payment of such etc. That's all for now. Cheers. Kind regards. Matthew Matthew Kennedy International Cricket Council Development Manager East Asia – Pacific Region Tel. +61 (0)3 9653 9921 Fax +61 (0)3 9653 9911 Mobile 0409 218 883 |